How old should my baby be for newborn photos? It's a question I get asked a lot and the answer all depends on the type of images you want to receive. I photograph babies of all ages and adapt to suit the baby and their needs during the session.

If you want your baby to be asleep then bringing them into your photographer's studio before they reach 3 weeks of age will give you the highest chance of capturing those very sleepy posed images. However, this doesn't mean that every baby will sleep through their session. Getting a baby to sleep and staying asleep can have a number of contributing factors.

I send my clients a welcome pack when they book in which includes tips on how prepare themselves and baby before they arrive so we have the best chance of baby being tired and ready for a sleep. I also have special techniques I have developed over the past 8 years of settling and wrapping babies so they are consistently warm and comfortable throughout their session. A babies safety is always my top priority so I always pose the baby in natural, comfortable positions keeping an eye on their temperature. A baby should never get too hot or cold or be put in compromising positions which could restrict their airflow. It's important when booking your newborn session to choose an experienced photographer.

If you want your baby to be awake and looking at the camera I recommend 3 months and older. Sometimes I am able to capture beautiful awake photos of a newborn baby but it's very dependant on the situation at the time and how settled the baby is.

So the answer for how old should your baby be for newborn photos is your baby can be any age as long as you have spoken with your photographer and know what to expect from your session.

If you are interested in a Newborn Photography Session and would like to know me send me a message and we can chat about your next photoshoot.